논산 아트센터의 새로운 풍경, 논산을 강타하는 공연기획의 선봉
(The new face of the Nonsan Art Center, the spearhead of performance planning in Nonsan)

논산문화관광재단의 최형태 문화공연 팀장은 무대에 어떤 것을 선보일지를 항상 고민하며, 논산의 예술과 공연문화를 새로운 높이로 이끄는 열정적인 인물이다. 

논산에 처음 발을 디딘 최형태 팀장은 지역 문화예술공연의 기회가 한정적인 상황에서 도전의 순간을 맞이했다. “논산아트센터는 공연 대관 업무와 공연녹화 영상 상영 형태의 사업이 주였다. 이를 바탕으로 어떻게 논산의 공연문화예술을 더 활성화할 수 있을지 고민하던 중 많은 기회와 도전이 펼쳐졌다.”며 논산아트센터 개조 이후, 무대 뒤 고정 LED 스크린 제약에도 불구하고 소규모 뮤지컬, 연극, 대중음악 공연 등 다양한 프로그램을 기획, 지역 문화공연의 새로운 풍경을 만들어 냈다. 

“무대 뒤의 리스크가 있었지만, 그것을 극복하기 위한 도전이야말로 예술의 진수였다.”며 작년 한 해 약 77,000명의 관객을 끌어모아 지역 공연문화의 활기찬 순환의 성과를 만들어 낸 그는 “지역의 공연이 활성화되기 위해서는 끊임없는 관객이 필요하다 믿는다. 또한, 지역 예술과 시민들이 함께 만들어가는 문화 생태계가 필요하다.”며 말했다. 그의 목표는 예술과와 관객, 그리고 무대의 환경을 하나로 연결한 지역 공연문화의 팬덤을 형성하여 논산에서만 볼 수 있는 독특한 공연문화 경험을 제공하는 것이다. 

최 팀장은 성악 바리톤 전공자로서 예술적 경험을 문화공연 기획에 활용하고 있다. 그가 성공적으로 기획한 ‘소극장 뮤지컬 페스티벌’에 무대미술을 연계시킬 사업을 기획 중이며, ‘백 스테이지 투어’ 같은 참여형 프로그램 개발 등을 통해 그의 예술적 통찰력을 발휘하고 있다. 

그는 “지역 문화예술인의 질 높은 공연 기회를 제공하는 것이 미래의 문화예술을 키워나가는 길이다. 오랜 역사를 가진 지역 소도시가 사라지는 것은 그 지역의 유구한 문화가 소멸하는 안타까운 일”이라며 국가적으로도 중요한 역할을 하는 지역 문화예술의 발전을 위해 헌신하고 있다. 

최팀장은 “놀거리가 많아야 사람이 많이 모인다. 그 중심에 문화예술이 있고 그 시너지를 폭발시키는데 공연만 한 요소는 없다”라며, 지역에서의 공연 관객을 유도하고자 한다. [**공연 보러 논산 가자!]라는 슬로건을 전국에서 듣고 싶다고 말한 그는 지역마다 특색 있고 특별한 클래스의 공연이 지속 가능한 세상을 꿈꾸고 있다. 

최팀장의 도전은 단순한 공연문화 주최자가 아닌 문화예술경영계의 새로운 주역으로 자리매김하는 것을 보여준다. 작년 그의 노력과 헌신으로 전국지역문화재단연합회 회장 표창(개인상)을 수상한 그는 논산의 문화 산업을 선도하는 중요한 인물로서, 그의 지속적인 노력과 헌신을 통해 지역 문화예술의 새로운 차원을 열어 논산시민의 문화예술의 삶이 더욱 풍요로워질 것으로 기대된다. 

Choi Hyung-tae, head of the cultural performance team at the NONSAN Culture & Tourism Foundation, is a passionate person who is always thinking about what to bring to the stage and leading the arts and performance culture in Nonsan to new heights. 

When Choi first set foot in Nonsan, he faced a challenging situation with limited opportunities for local cultural performances. "The Nonsan Art Center was mainly engaged in the business of booking performances and screening video recordings of performances, and while thinking about how to further revitalize the performing arts in Nonsan, many opportunities and challenges unfolded." After the renovation of the Nonsan Art Center, the team planned a variety of programs, including small-scale musicals, plays, and popular music performances, despite the constraints of a fixed LED screen behind the stage, and created a new kind of local cultural performance. 

"There were risks behind the scenes, but the challenge of overcoming them is the essence of art," he said, noting that the center attracted about 77,000 people last year, creating a vibrant cycle of local performance culture. "I believe that local performances need a constant audience to be active, and they also need a cultural ecosystem that local arts and citizens create together," he said. His ambition is to create a fan base for local performing arts culture that connects the art department, the audience, and the stage environment, providing a unique performing arts experience that can only be found in Nonsan. 

As a vocal baritone major, Choi uses his artistic experience to plan cultural performances. He is currently planning a project to link stage art to the successful 'Small Theater Musical Festival' and is demonstrating his artistic insights by developing participatory programs such as 'Backstage Tours'. 

"Providing high-quality performance opportunities for local artists is the way to foster the future of the arts. It's a shame to see small towns with long histories disappear, as it means the end of a region's rich culture," he says, adding that he is committed to the development of local arts and culture, which also plays an important role in the country. 

"A lot of things to do attracts a lot of people, and there is nothing like a performance to explode the synergy of culture and arts at the center of it," says Choi, who hopes to attract audiences to local performances. He wants to hear the slogan "Let's go to Nonsan for a performance!" all over the country, and dreams of a world where each region has its own unique and special class of performances. 

Choi's challenge shows that he is not just an organizer of performing arts, but a new player in the cultural management world. As an important figure leading the cultural industry in Nonsan, who was awarded the Chairman's Citation (Individual Award) of the National Association of Regional Cultural Organizations for his efforts and dedication last year, it is expected that through his continued efforts and dedication, he will open up a new dimension of local culture and arts and further enrich the cultural life of Nonsan citizens.

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