-전국지역문화재단연합회로부터 기관ㆍ개인 표창 타내
-“2024년도 지역문화 진흥 앞장” ("Leading the promotion of local culture in 2024")

논산문화관광재단(대표이사 지진호)이 출범 1년 만에 한국예술인복지재단 표창(기관상), 전국지역문화재단연합회 회장 표창(개인상) 등 굵직한 전국 단위 표창을 수상했다.

재단 관계자는 한국예술인복지재단이 주관하는 ‘전국 지역 문화재단 연말 유공 표창’에서 기관표창을 수상했다고 밝혔다.

이는 전국 116개 기초문화재단 중 지역문화 창달에 이바지하고 수범 모델을 만드는 데 앞장선 재단에게 주어지는 상이다.

재단 구성원의 개인 표창 소식도 잇따랐다. 최형태 문화공연팀장은 다양하고 수준 높은 공연 기획을 통해 논산시 문화 창달에 기여한 점과 국비 확보 실적에 대한 공적을 인정받아 개인상을 수상했다.

또한 정회인 문화공연팀 주임(음향감독)은 논산아트센터의 음향시스템을 개선한 점, 소외계층 방문 공연 등을 통해 지역문화예술 발전에 힘쓴 점 등을 인정받아 한국문화예술회관연합회 충청ㆍ대전ㆍ세종지회 표창을 수상하기도 했다.

지진호 대표이사는 “직원들과 지역의 다양한 협력 주체들이 손잡고 이뤄낸 뜻깊은 성과”라며 “수상 소식과 함께 한 해의 마무리를 기쁘게 했다. 내년에도 역시 논산문화관광재단은 시민에게 기쁨 드리는 지역문화 진흥에 앞장서겠다”고 말했다.

The Nonsan Culture and Tourism Foundation (CEO Ji Jin-ho) has received major national commendations, including the Korea Foundation for the Welfare of the Arts (institutional award) and the President of the National Association of Regional Cultural Foundations (individual award), just one year after its launch.

According to the foundation, it received the institutional award at the 'Year-end Meritorious Awards for Regional Cultural Foundations' organized by the Korea Arts and Humanities Foundation.

This award is given to foundations that have contributed to the creation of local culture and led the way in creating exemplary models among 116 foundations nationwide.

There were also a number of individual recognitions for foundation members. Choi Hyung-hyung, head of the Cultural Performance Team, received an individual award in recognition of his contributions to cultural development in Nonsan City through diverse and high-quality performance planning and his achievements in securing government funding.

In addition, Jeong Ho-in, the head of the cultural performance team (sound director), received a citation from the Chungcheong, Daejeon, and Sejong chapters of the Korean Cultural Arts Center Association for improving the sound system of the Nonsan Art Center and for striving to develop local cultural arts through visiting performances for the underprivileged.

"This is a meaningful achievement that our employees and various partners in the region have worked together to achieve," said CEO Ji-ho Jin. "We are pleased to end the year with the news of the award. "We are happy to end the year with the news of the award," he said, "and we will continue to take the lead in promoting local culture that brings joy to citizens."Within a year of its launch, the Nonsan Culture and Tourism Foundation (CEO Jinhoo Jin-ho) received major national recognition, including the Korea Arts and Human Welfare Foundation Award (Institutional Award) and the President's Award from the National Association of Local Cultural Organizations (Individual Award).

According to the foundation, it received the institutional award at the 'Year-end Merit Awards for Regional Cultural Foundations' organized by the Korea Arts and Humanities Foundation.

This award is given to foundations that have contributed to the creation of local culture and led the way in creating exemplary models among 116 foundations nationwide.

There were also a number of individual recognitions for foundation members. Choi Hyung-hyung, head of the Cultural Performance Team, received an individual award in recognition of his contributions to cultural development in Nonsan City through diverse and high-quality performance plans and his achievements in securing government funding.

In addition, Jeong Ho-in, the head of the cultural performance team (sound director), received a citation from the Chungcheong, Daejeon, and Sejong chapters of the Korean Cultural Arts Center Association for his efforts to develop local cultural arts by improving the sound system of the Nonsan Art Center and visiting the underprivileged.

"This is a meaningful achievement that our employees and various partners in the region have worked together to achieve," said CEO Ji-ho Jin. "We are pleased to end the year with the news of the award. Next year, the Nonsan Culture & Tourism Foundation will continue to take the lead in promoting local culture that brings joy to citizens."

저작권자 © 불교공뉴스 무단전재 및 재배포 금지