국방수도 계룡시(시장 이응우)가 관내 병역명문가 문패를 달아주며 존경과 감사를 전하고 있다.

병역명문가란 가족 3대(조부, 부‧백부‧숙부, 본인‧형제‧사촌형제)가 모두 병역의무를 이행한 가문으로, 병역을 성실히 이행한 사람이 존경받는 분위기를 조성하기 위해 병무청에서 병역명문가를 선정하고 있다.

관내 병역명문가는 두마면 노진선, 문승완 님과 엄사면 명태진 님 가문이 선정됐으며, 시는 병역명문가에 대한 예우를 갖추기 위하여 부시장과 면장이 해당 가정을 직접 방문하여 병역명문가 문패를 전달하고 감사의 뜻을 전했다.

병역명문가로 인정받으면 병무청과 협약을 맺은 국공립 및 민간시설 이용 시 감면 우대, 국군복지재단이나 군 마트 등 이용 등의 혜택을 받을 수 있다.

최재성 부시장은 “성실한 병역의무 이행을 통해 나라사랑을 실천해 주신 병역명문가에 진심으로 감사드린다”며, “후손들이 병역명문가의 나라사랑 정신을 본받고 이어갈 수 있도록 다양한 보훈정책 마련에 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.

Gyeryong City (Mayor Lee Eung-woo), the national defense capital, conveys its respect and gratitude to the military service families in its jurisdiction by hanging a plaque.

The Military Service Famous Families are families in which all three generations of the family (grandfather, father, father-in-law, uncle, self, siblings, and cousins) have fulfilled their military service obligations, and the Military Service Famous Families are selected by the Military Service Administration to create an atmosphere where those who have faithfully fulfilled their military service are respected.

The families of Noh Jin-sun and Moon Seung-wan in Duma-myeon and Myeong Tae-jin in Umsa-myeon were selected as military service honorees, and to honor them, the vice mayor and the mayor personally visited their homes to deliver the military service honoree plaques and express their gratitude.

Being recognized as a military service honoree entitles them to benefits such as preferential treatment when using public and private facilities that have agreements with the Armed Forces Administration, and access to the Armed Forces Welfare Foundation and military supermarkets.

Vice Mayor Choi Jae-sung said, "We sincerely thank the military service masters for practicing love for the country through the faithful fulfillment of their military service obligations." "We will do our best to prepare various veterans' policies so that future generations can imitate and carry on the spirit of love for the country."


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